November Pack Meeting 11/19

November’s pack meeting is Thursday the 19th from 6:30-7:45pm at the Vineyard Ranch Elementary front parking lot.

This month’s theme is codes. The scouts will work a Zymbol activity and other code puzzles (encoding and deciphering messages). Patches will be available for the Zymbol activity. The weather is expected to be good this week, but with the earlier sunset please be prepared with flashlights. We’d also recommend filled water bottles and chairs if you want an option for sitting. (Please note, we will not have the water cool out tonight, and there will not be a bathroom option.)


Pack Recharter

The recharter paperwork for the pack must be turned in next week. Dues must be paid by Friday at 8:00pm to have your scout’s registration renewed with the pack’s charter. The $130 fee can be paid online using Zelle. Just submit the payment to 210-723-2705. Or you may pay by cash, check, or credit card at the Pack meeting (please see Sandy at the meeting). For those with funds in your Scout Accounts, we will use those funds to cover the dues. Those of you who have already submitted your dues, thank you.


Pinewood Derby

Pinewood Derby kits will be handed out at the meeting; dues must be paid in order to receive the kit. Current rules and info will be posted on the Pinewood Derby event page.